Business consultancy

09:28 - 18/04/2020

Consulting enterprises are not eligible to produce medical masks

However, in the list of business industries of the Company does not have the industry of exporting antibacterial cloth and medical masks.

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16:50 - 14/04/2020

Conditions and procedures for producing medical masks, antibacterial masks

In the context of the Covid19 epidemic under investigation on a global scale, the demand for masks especially medical masks antibacterial masks, protective mask cloth masks not only in the country...

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16:57 - 09/04/2020

Consulting to rent factory ground for Korean enterprises in Binh Duong

The landlord is concerned that all project assets may be released by the bank if the landlord goes bankrupt, there is no money to repay the bank. Therefore, they went to DFC lawyers for advice and...

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16:08 - 05/04/2020

Establishing a business in 2021, changes to note

DFC is an enterprise established in 2004, with 20 legal experts, lawyers will help you make the establishment of the business quickly, simply scientifically, and efficiently.

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