Administrative formalities about house and land

14:30 - 11/12/2020

Regulations and procedures for applying for land for the project

When implementing construction investment projects, the application for land grant and land for land for project implementation is an issue that many investors are interested in. So this article of...

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16:00 - 01/12/2020

Is the land for rice cultivation expired to be used again?

Land use term is one of the provisions of land law. Accordingly, land users when using land should comply with regulations on the shelf life of some types of land. So how does the land law regulate...

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15:15 - 01/12/2020

How much money to pay for land use transfer?

Land use purpose transfer is one of the important notes when transferring land use purposes. So how much money must be paid when transferring land use purposes to individuals and households? Together...

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14:30 - 01/12/2020

Steps to change the most standard land use purpose

What steps should the conversion of land use purposes take? What documents are needed to convert land use purposes? Following, in order to answer the above questions, DFC Lawyers would like to send...

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