
10:26 - 12/10/2020

How is husband and wife abuse, domestic violence sanctioned?

How is domestic violence sanctioned? Marriage is a marital relationship after the conduct of marriage of a male and a female. Marriage aims to build a warm, equal, progressive, happy and sustainable...

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11:24 - 25/02/2020

How to sanction the appropriation of state property?

It can be seen that, in fact, the act of appropriating state assets takes place more and more, which comes from the moral deterioratie of many parts of the people and even the leaders working in...

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14:40 - 21/02/2020

How is the appropriation of company assets handled?

So how does the company's asset appropriation law regulate? We - DFC Law Firm of lawyers and legal consultants would like to answer the above questions as follows:

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11:21 - 21/02/2020

Is it a fraudulent misappropriation of bank assets?

However, borrowing money from a bank that is then incapable of payment can conclude that the inability to pay the bank is a crime of fraudulent appropriation of bank assets?

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11:35 - 06/12/2019

What crime does a non-payment loan commit?

What crime does the debt not pay?, how much debt is criminally prosecuted, DFC Law Consulting Would like to answer your questions through the following article:

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11:23 - 04/11/2019

Factors that constitute theft of property

The article below by DFC Lawyers hopes to help readers better understand, avoid confusion about extremely common crimes such as theft of property.

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