The latest regulations on road traffic law in 2021

Luật Sư: Lê Minh Công

09:38 - 09/11/2020

The article below is some of the most basic new points about the Road Traffic Law 2020 effective from 01/01/2020 that readers need to know and comply with regulations.

Luật giao thông đường bộ năm 2020

The latest regulations of the road traffic law in 2020

1. From January 1, 2020, it is forbidden for drinkers to drive vehicles.

In accordance with the Law on prevention of alcohol harm effective from 01/01/2020 stipulated: "It is strictly forbidden for users of alcohol and stimulants to control vehicles to participate in traffic in any form".

According to this regulation the driver of the vehicle is not allowed to have a blood and breath alcohol level, which is different from the previous regulation that allows a small amount of alcohol concentration, as long as it is below the threshold of 5r0mg/100ml of blood or 0.25mg/l of breathing air.

Having a blood alcohol level when driving vehicles can be fined up to 8 million VND for motorbikes and fined up to VND 40 million for cars.

2. Regulations on Yellow Lights

According to clause 3,Article 10, traffic lights are regulated including: Green lights, red lights and yellow lights. In which the red light signals to stop, the green light signals to be allowed to move.

For yellow lights, it must be used in front of the stop line. For cases where they have crossed the stop line or are too close to the stop line, they may continue if they find stopping too dangerous.

For places where only the yellow light pole signals the driver of the vehicle to go slowly to pay attention to observe, give way to the person who is walking.

3. To increase the sanctioning level for speed violations up to VND 20 million.

According to decree 100/2019/ND-CP, the regulations on increasing the sanctioning rate of speed violations as prescribed in Decree 46/2016/ND-CP are from the lowest level of 600,000 - 800,000 VND, the highest is 2-3 million vnd and is deprived of a driver's license from 2 to 4 months.

The new sanction under the Road Traffic Law 2020 for motorbikes at the lightest level is 800,000 - 1,000,000 VND, the highest level is at 10-20 million. The time for deprivation of a driver's license is also increased, starting to deprive the driver's license when speeding from >10km/h, speeding from 35km/h is deprived of a driver's license from 10 to 12 months.

4. Additional penalties for acts of going backwards on highways

Previously, Decree 46 only stipulated the act of going in the opposite direction on the highway, currently under the latest regulations of the road traffic law limited to going backwards on this highway can be sanctioned from 16 million to 18 million.

5. Supplementing regulations on fines for vehicles entering toll lanes without eligibility

Previously, the Traffic Law did not have regulations to penalize vehicles entering automatic toll lanes without being eligible for tolls, they were fined, but currently under the new regulations, vehicles that violate this error will be sanctioned up to 2 million dong.

6. Further regulations on technical and environmental safety standards for automobiles.

After the Prime Minister's decision 16/2019/QD-TTg issued regulations to increase emission standards for newly produced cars from 2008 onwards. Accordingly, these cars want to be circulated on the road need to meet the standard when discharged at level 2 instead of at level 1 as before. Accordingly, emissions must escape, CO,CO2 in which must be reduced from 4.5% to 3.5% volume, HC quality decreased from 1.2ppm to 800ppm and smoke from 72% stalk to 60% HSU.

However, whether the vehicles meet emission standards depends on the technology applied during the production of the vehicle, even for new vehicles produced in recent years without periodically maintenance may not meet the emission standards.

7. To increase the tuition fee for training and examination of automobile driver's license.

According to the provisions of Circular 38/2019/TT- BGTVT, students who want to take the test and issue a driver's license are required to participate in a full range of programs on theory, ethics of drivers, basic vehicle repair and practice of simulating traffic situations.

The total number of theoretical and practical lessons for automobile self-class is 100 hours or more. Therefore, the cost of studying and exams has increased sharply even 3 times the previous cost.

The above are some of the most basic new points about the Road Traffic Law 2020 that readers need to know and comply with, if you have any questions with the above article as well as other traffic situations invite you to contact the Free Call Center 19006512.

Ls. Le Minh Cong

Luật Sư: Lê Minh Công

Luật Sư: Lê Minh Công

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