Reasons why enterprises do not choose judgment enforcement

Luật Sư: Lê Minh Công

15:21 - 01/02/2021

Grasp the thoughts and psychology of corporate customers; limitations and existence in the above judgment enforcement. DFC lawyers are professional enterprises providing consulting services for judgment enforcement for domestic and foreign enterprise organizations.

Nguyên nhân doanh nghiệp không lựa chọn Thi hành ánReasons why enterprises do not choose judgment enforcement - Solutions of DFC

1. Factors that cause enterprises not to trust judgment enforcement

Judgment enforcement is the last procedural activity to enforce judgments, protect and bring money and assets to enterprises occupied or held. However, in the course of providing judgment enforcement settlement services; DFC lawyers we recognize, corporate organizations have not really had confidence in judgment enforcement. They are not ready to move the case to court and then to the judgment enforcement agency when they themselves do not believe in the effectiveness of judgment enforcement. In our judgment, the reason businesses do not want to choose judgment enforcement agencies in particular and procedural bodies in general is because of the following factors:

- The legal understanding and settlement skills through the proceedings of the enterprise are limited; should be afraid to go to court as well as judgment enforcement agencies to settle.

- The duration of the case is prolonged; if it is resolved by negotiation or negotiation easily, the settlement to court and judgment enforcement is much longer and more complicated.

- Attitudes and working styles of procedure and judgment enforcement officers; this is the biggest obstacle mentality that impactes trust, does not want to choose the method of resolving disputes by means of litigation.

- Efficiency and additional costs: Enterprises do not trust the efficiency and feasibility in judgment enforcement. The rate of successful judgment enforcement is not high, the number of annual sentences is large. The reasons for judgment enforcement are unsuccessful due to various subjective and objective reasons. But the most important factor to help solve such judgments is the verification of property conditions of judgment payees. Currently, the shortcomings in the verification of assets such as: Mandatory mechanisms for information providers are not strong, the protection, lack of cooperation of bank credit institutions are not high and the deliberate evasion and divestment of judgment enforcement complainals ... These causes need to have time, a comprehensive and comprehensive remediation plan from the completion of the legal documents system to the professional skills of the executive officers. These are the causes that directly affect the results of judgment enforcement.

- On the other hand, enterprises always think that they do not know how to solve disputes, but when they have to enforce judgments, they determine that an additional cost must be paid. This has significantly affected the trust of enterprises in the procedural body; therefore, the choice of settlement through judgment enforcement is only the final solution when there is no more optimal choice.

Grasp the thoughts and psychology of corporate customers; limitations and existence in the above judgment enforcement. DFC lawyers are professional enterprises providing judgment enforcement consultancy services to domestic and foreign enterprise organizations. Using our services, customers will eliminate the above doubts and lack of trust in judgment enforcement; besides helping customers have the following benefits when using the service:

2. DFC Remediation Solution

Faster judgment enforcement efficiency: DFC is a unit specializing in judgment enforcement consultancy, professional skills of DFC lawyers have reached a certain level, so it can afford to handle and solve judgment enforcement even though the case is at the most complicated level. DFC is a specialized unit with time, conditions and supported by technology tools, satellite networks in verifying judgment enforcement conditions. Therefore, when DFC spared consultants to settle, the executive officers greatly reduced the workload, the staff did not have to spend time in the verification work; focusing only on the blockade of disyry of assets of judgment payees. As a result, the time for fast and effective handling of judgment enforcement by enforcer reaches the highest level.

Expenses only ins arise when judgment enforcement is successful: Businesses do not have to worry about losing costs but do not know if it will work. DFC helps customers successfully enforce judgments, customers will collect their money and assets; then pay the attorney's remuneration service fee to DFC. It is an important, mandatory provision that will be agreed by DFC and customers in the service contract.

Businesses do not have to worry about other factors: Customers do not have to think and worry about the attitude and working style of judgment enforcement agencies. Our DFC attorneys receive authorization from clients, we will act on behalf of you to do all things in the entire judgment enforcement process; until the property money arrives at your business.

The above are the reasons why enterprises do not use judgment enforcement and DFC remedies. Through the above presentation, we hope you understand better in the implementation of judgment enforcement. At the same time, we also want to present the benefits when businesses use judgment enforcement consulting services like our units. Surely will help you quickly enforce the judgment, collect money and assets with the most cost effective and economical.

Ls. Le Minh Cong

Luật Sư: Lê Minh Công

Luật Sư: Lê Minh Công

Với bề dày kinh nghiệm hơn 15 năm trong ngành tư vấn pháp luật, Luật sư tranh tụng tại Tòa án, Ông Lê Minh Công đã dẫn dắt DFC trở thành một thương hiệu uy tín và chất lượng cho người dân và là một trong những công ty đi đầu tại Việt Nam trong lĩnh vực tư vấn luật qua tổng đài.

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